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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • World Book Day 2017
    What a fantastic array of costumes greeted everyone this morning. Children have been completing lots of reading challenges all week and talking about their favourite books
  • Pancake Tuesday
    Kingsisland pupils were busy today making the most delicious pancakes.
  • Confirmation 2017
    Congratulations to our Primary 7 boys and girls who were confirmed today by Canon Eugene Sweeney in St Patrick's Church, Clonoe.
  • Allianz Girls GAA Blitz
    Well done to the girls who represented Kingsisland at the Allianz Cuman na Mbunscol indoor GAA blitz today in Clonoe community centre.
  • New Literacy Resources
    Our captains this week are so happy with our amazing new Literacy resources which arrived into school yesterday! Such a great way to motivate our children to learn in Kingsisland
  • Confirmation Practice
    Good luck to our Primary 7 pupils who make their Confirmation in St Patrick's Church, Clonoe on Sunday.
  • Teachers get ready for Sky Dive
    Miss Robinson and Mrs Dolan are getting ready to quite literally 'Leap for Luke!!!!'
  • Happy St Valentine's Day
    Love is in the air in P.1 today! The Primary One boys and girls loved making Valentines cards for the people who are so special to them.
  • Confirmation Retreat
    Primary 7 pupils travelled to the Washingbay Centre today to take part in a whole day retreat in preparation for their big Confirmation day on 26th February.
  • Measuring in P1/2
    Primary 1 & 2 received an exciting letter from the Gruffalo today. We followed the instructions and just loved exploring measurement with the animals footprints and making our estimations!
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