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We use Seesaw as a messaging platform for school staff to communicate with parents.


SeeSaw is a parent communication App which is easily downloaded onto your phone/tablet.

It allows us to communicate with parents and allows parents to communicate with teachers.


We can also post pupils’ work on SeeSaw which allows parents to keep up to date with their child’s academic progress.




WhatsApp Messaging Service


To help improve home/school communication links we have a Parents WhattsApp Messaging Service in school.


We can quickly and easily send important and up to date information to a large number of parents in a relatively short time span.


We have found this system to be a very important method of communicating with parents.


We kindly ask that parents please keep the school informed of new contact details by contacting the school directly.



We also have a school Facebook page.

Facebook is a very quick and effective means of communicating with parents.

It also gives us a quick and easy way of showing what happens in school each day, from school assemblies, award winners, football tournaments, showcasing children’s work etc…