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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • All Ireland Sausage Competition
    3 Kingsisland pupils won their way through to the final stages of the all Ireland sausage making competition. The 3 girls travelled to Lowe's butchers in DUNGANNON today, and actually made their very own sausages.
  • Primary 1 Assembly.
    Huge congratulations to our P1 superstars who performed their first school assembly this morning on the theme "We are Special." They sang beautifully and shared their special talents and qualities with everyone in our school!
  • Coalisland Library Reading Challenge
    The boys and girls were so delighted when they received their Big Summer Reading Certificates from Mary from Coalisland Library. The children have been rewarded for their use of the library and willingness to read more and more books
  • Defibrilator for KingsislandSadly
    Children and young people can suffer sudden cardiac arrest, as well as the older population. Medical experts believe many children could be saved if a defibrillator is used within minutes of collapse.
  • Fun Friday
    Each Friday after lunch the P5/6/7s put down their books and pencils to enjoy some games & sports down at the Derrytresk Field!
  • Art Attack in P1 today !
    We all created our own self portraits and tried really hard to remember all the important parts of our body such as our eyes, nose, mouth and hair.
  • Cookery Club
    The first Cookery Club of the new school year was after school today and the children had great fun making their own French bread pizzas.
  • Football Blitz
    Primary 6&7 pupils had a great day at Clonoe O'Rahilly's centenary celebrations for primary schools today.
  • World Around Us in P6/7
    Today saw the P6/7s continue their great work studying local industry, exploring the geography of where many local suppliers ship their products across the world.
  • After School Club for P1/2
    P1 & P2 Afterschool FUNdamental skills started today in Derrytresk.
Showing 1421-1430 of 1437