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We believe that assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process.  The main purpose of assessment is to improve the quality of children’s learning and the standards of their achievement.


Assessment for Learning is a process that provides information about an individual student’s experience and achievement.  It identities what the student knows, understands and is able to do and provides information that can be used to plan future learning


Good assessment for learning practice will raise standards by taking students to the peak of their individual capability.  Teachers use a wide variety of evidence from which to assess children’s work.


Teachers will provide frequent oral and written feedback which makes reference to learning objectives, identifies strengths and the next steps for improvement.


Teachers keep a clear and up—to-date record of the progress made by their students.


Monitoring Pupil Progress 


As your child develops and moves up through St John’s teachers regularly monitor their strengths, progress and areas for improvement to ensure that they learn as effectively as possible. This monitoring can take many forms, including teacher observation, marking class work and home work as well as a wide variety of more specific assessments.

Pupils from P3 to P7 complete Progress Tests in Literacy and Numeracy at the end of each school year. 

Scores are compared year on year and every single pupil’s scores are tracked from they arrive in St John’s until they leave school.

 Where children are deemed to be under performing the school will take appropriate action and measures will be immediately implemented to ensure the achievements of the child are comparable to his/her academic ability.


More detailed information on our Assessment Policy can be obtained by contacting the school Principal.


Parent Teacher Meetings


Parents are encouraged to discuss their children’s progress with teachers at parent teacher evenings. Formal parent teacher meetings will be held in Autumn term and again to review the child’s progress towards the end of the second term.


We at St. John’s believe that parents and teachers should consult regularly throughout the year to discuss the progress of individual children.


Parents will receive a written report based on all areas of the curriculum in the Summer term.