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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • Santa arrives by Helicopter 2016
    What a day we had in Kingsisland! Santa arrived with presents for every single boy and girl. But it wasn't just any old Santa visit because today he flew in by air in a helicopter!
    Last night's pigeon auction, held in the Chimney Corner was a fantastic success with a phenomenal amount of money raised. The event was organised by Henry McLaughlin (grandparent of one of our pupils).
  • Christmas Nativity 2016
    The chapel has been a hive of activity this past few days with rehearsals, singing and the chapel being decorated for the school nativity on Thursday evening.
  • New Readathon Books
    As part of the school's commitment to broadening our literacy development, the primary 6 class got their hands on the latest releases in the children's book world for our school Readathon
  • Santa Letters 2016
    They say a picture paints a thousand words....well just look at the photos of our P1 & P2 reactions to finding a Letter from Santa in our special post box!
  • Place Value in P4
    The Primary Four children have been enjoying some cross curricular learning as they become familiar with Place Value by creating an e-book using the Book Creator app on the iPads.
  • P2 Library Visit
    P2 just loved their visit to the library today. Mary and Blanche made our visit so enjoyable and we all couldn't wait to get a chance to curl up with a good book.
  • P2 Assembly
    Primary 2 put on a fantastic assembly this morning. They told us all about the history of the school, sang some well known, popular and very appropriate songs and said some beautiful prayers. Well done Primary 2 pupils
  • Cross Bar Challenge.
    After our sponsored walk today we decided to do the crossbar challenge. What great fun!!!! Watch the full video right to the end. Bang on the blue spot!!!!!! King of the crossbar challenge :-):-):-) Go Naoise
  • Volcano Art
    Excitement ERUPTED in P5 today as the children got to put the final touches to their volcanoes! We have been learning all about volcanoes and have loved creating our own unique volcanoes! As you can see, we all had a BLAST
Showing 1511-1520 of 1537