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  1. News
  2. KS1/KS2 challenge games

KS1/KS2 challenge games

28 May 2024 (by admin)

Kingsisland were delighted to welcome Rock P.S. to Derrytresk GAA for some KS1/KS2 challenge games. A P4/5 girls selection took on Rock P5s in a competitive and enjoyable match with a huge array of talent on show for both sides.

Rock P5 boys were fantastic against a Kingsisland P3/4/5 selection with nothing between the two teams. There were some brilliant passages of play, some expert instances of long range point kicking, and a few clinical goals taken as the boys fought out a nail biting contest. As always the key message was football for all, and these games have only served to whet the appetite for future games amongst the boys and girls. A huge Bualadh bos to all invloved and go raibh maith agat to Rock PS for making the trip