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  1. News
  2. Primary 7's Victory at the Swifts.

Primary 7's Victory at the Swifts.

17 May 2024 (by admin)

Dungannon Swifts was the venue for today’s soccer tournament where we were able to enter two teams. With lots of schools in the local area in attendance it meant plenty of game time for both teams.

With the games played in a league format and after almost three hours of games, one of our teams were announced as winners of their section receiving a Shield to take back to the school!
Our other team competing for another shield finished in a very credible 3rd out of 7 teams in their league, just missing out on goal difference for a runners up medal.
A very successful day out at a superbly run tournament of 22 teams!
Thanks to everyone involved at Dungannon Swifts for organising and letting us be part of a great days sport in the brilliant weather!